Dietary Consults

Can a dietitian help me?


Seeing a dietitian can provide numerous benefits to improve your overall health and well-being. We offer personalised nutrition advice, whether you're aiming to lose weight, manage a health condition, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle.

We assess your current diet, identify any deficiencies or excesses, and work with you to create a balanced and sustainable lifestyle. Additionally, we provide education on portion sizes, food choices, and help you navigate any dietary restrictions you may have.

Reducing risks

High cholesterol

Fatty liver

High blood pressure

Impaired fasting glucose

Weight Management

Sustainable weight loss


Health at every size

Healthy eating

Disease management

Diabetes (type 1, 2 or gestational)

Chronic kidney disease

Cardiovascular disease


General Nutrition

Gut health

Nutrient deficiencies (e.g. iron)



To book an appointment or send a referral, please contact us

Accepted Referrals

I would love to help you. Referrals generally fall under the following categories:

  • Self referred (private health rebates may be available)

  • GP referral ($60 Medicare rebate available with chronic disease management plan referrals)

  • DVA referral

  • NDIS referral (self or plan managed)

  • My Aged Care

To send a referral or get a free quote, please contact us

What’s involved?

You were created beautifully and uniquely, so I take the time to get to know about you and your lifestyle, to ensure any strategies I suggest are helpful and will suit you long term.

Our appointments are via video call, which allows home comfort but also face to face connection.

Some things I will ask about include:

  • Your medical history

  • Regular medications or supplements

  • Weight history

  • Exercise

  • Social history (who cooks, work schedule)

  • Diet history (what you eat day to day)